Usually a person that goes after a Rolex has a higher purchasing power and can afford to spend more money without jeopardizing their budget, these people have the ability to purchase higher-priced necessities . In addition many people look into buying a Rolex watch due to his or her lifestyle, these days collecting vintage or high-end watches became a profitable and exciting hobby for many people.
When it comes to ethnic market Rolex is "The gorilla in the industry" although it has lost space for brands such as Omega in the Chinese market (one of the biggest markets in the world), especially with the younger generations, Rolex still maintains the hegemony over sales.
“From a pure branding perspective, Omega have a very, very long way to go to get anywhere near Rolex,” said Jez Frampton, chief executive officer of brand consultant Interbrand. Interbrand estimates the Rolex brand’s value to have fallen 7 percent last year to $4.6 billion, making it one of the world’s top 100 brands. Omega isn’t within the top 150, Frampton said.
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